How To Clear App Cache On Firestick: A Step-By-Step Guide

1 min read

If you’re experiencing issues with your Firestick such as slow performance or freezing, it may be time to clear the app cache. Clearing the cache can help improve the performance of your applications and ensure they run smoothly. In this tutorial, we’ll provide a step-by-step guide on how to clear app cache on Firestick.

Step 1: Navigate to Settings

To begin, navigate to the home screen of your Firestick and select the “Settings” option from the menu.

Step 2: Select Applications

Next, scroll down and select the “Applications” option from the settings menu.

Step 3: Manage Installed Applications

Under the Applications menu, select “Manage Installed Applications.”

Step 4: Select App to Clear Cache

Select the application you want to clear the cache for.

Step 5: Clear App Cache

Once you’ve selected the application, scroll down and select the “Clear Cache” option.

Step 6: Confirm Clear Cache

A pop-up will appear asking you to confirm that you want to clear the cache. Select “Clear Cache” to proceed.

Step 7: Repeat for Other Apps

Repeat steps 4-6 for any other applications you want to clear the cache for.

By following these simple steps, you can clear app cache on your Firestick to improve overall performance.


  • What is app cache?

    App cache is temporary data stored by applications on your device to help load content faster. However, over time this cache can build up and cause performance issues.

  • Will clearing app cache delete my data?

    No, clearing app cache will only delete temporary data stored by the application. Your personal data such as login information or saved preferences will not be affected.

  • How often should I clear app cache?

    It’s recommended to clear app cache every few months or whenever you experience performance issues on your device.

  • Will clearing app cache improve streaming quality?

    Clearing app cache can help improve the performance of your Firestick, which may result in better streaming quality. However, it’s not a guaranteed solution if other factors such as internet speed or network congestion are causing streaming issues.

  • Can I clear app cache for all apps at once?

    No, you’ll need to clear app cache for each application individually. However, you can use third-party applications such as Clean Master to clear cache for multiple applications at once.


In conclusion, clearing app cache on your Firestick can help improve overall performance and ensure your applications run smoothly. By following these simple steps, you can clear app cache for any application on your device.

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