How To See Who I Unfollowed On Instagram

2 min read

How to Find Out Who Unfollowed Me on Instagram? 2020

Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms, with millions of users around the world. It allows people to connect, share photos, and follow each other’s accounts. However, there may come a time when you want to know who you have unfollowed on Instagram. Whether it’s out of curiosity or to clean up your following list, here are some methods you can try to see who you have unfollowed on Instagram.

Using Third-Party Apps

One way to see who you have unfollowed on Instagram is by using third-party apps. There are several apps available that provide this feature, such as “Followers Track for Instagram” or “Unfollow Analyzer for Instagram.” These apps allow you to track your followers and see who has unfollowed you. Simply download the app, log in to your Instagram account, and it will show you a list of users who have unfollowed you.

Checking Your Follower List

Another method to see who you have unfollowed on Instagram is by checking your follower list. Open the Instagram app on your device and go to your profile page. Tap on the “Followers” tab, and you will see a list of users who are currently following you. Scroll through the list and look for any usernames that you don’t recognize or remember following. These users are the ones you have unfollowed.

Using Instagram Insights

If you have a business or creator account on Instagram, you can use Instagram Insights to see who you have unfollowed. Instagram Insights is a built-in analytics tool that provides data about your followers, including their demographics and activity. To access Insights, go to your profile page, tap on the three lines in the top right corner, and select “Insights.” From there, navigate to the “Audience” tab, and you will find information about your followers, including any changes in follower count.


1. Can I see who unfollowed me on Instagram without using third-party apps?

Yes, you can see who unfollowed you on Instagram without using third-party apps. By regularly checking your follower list or using Instagram Insights, you can track any changes in your follower count and identify the users who have unfollowed you.

2. Are third-party apps safe to use?

While some third-party apps may be safe to use, it’s important to exercise caution and do your research before downloading any app. Make sure to read reviews, check the app’s permissions, and only download from trusted sources to protect your personal information.

3. Is it possible to re-follow someone I previously unfollowed?

Yes, it is possible to re-follow someone you previously unfollowed on Instagram. Simply search for their username, visit their profile, and tap on the “Follow” button. They will receive a notification that you have followed them again.

4. Can I see who unfollowed me on Instagram if I have a private account?

No, if you have a private account on Instagram, you cannot see who unfollowed you. The follower list is only visible to users who have been approved to follow you. However, you can still track changes in your follower count by using Instagram Insights.

5. Is it considered rude to unfollow someone on Instagram?

Unfollowing someone on Instagram is a personal choice and is not necessarily considered rude. People unfollow others for various reasons, such as wanting to curate their feed or maintain a smaller circle of followers. It’s important to remember that everyone has the right to choose who they follow on social media.

In conclusion, there are several methods you can use to see who you have unfollowed on Instagram. Whether you prefer using third-party apps, checking your follower list, or utilizing Instagram Insights, these tools can help you keep track of your followers and manage your account effectively.

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