How To Turn Off Or On Captions On Twitter Videos

1 min read


Twitter is a popular social media platform that allows users to share and view videos. Videos on Twitter often include captions, which can be helpful for users who are deaf or hard of hearing. However, captions may not always be necessary or desired. If you want to turn off or on captions on Twitter videos, follow the steps below:

1. Open the Twitter App

To begin, open the Twitter app on your mobile device or visit the Twitter website on your computer. Log in to your account if you haven’t already.

2. Find the Video

Next, find the video that you want to watch or turn off/on the captions for. You can do this by scrolling through your timeline, searching for a specific user’s tweet, or exploring trending videos.

3. Tap on the Video

Once you’ve found the video, tap on it to start playing. The video will expand to full screen mode.

4. Tap on the Speaker Icon

In the bottom right corner of the video player, you’ll see several icons. One of these icons looks like a speaker or sound wave. Tap on this icon to open the audio menu.

5. Toggle the Captions Option

In the audio menu, you’ll see an option for captions or subtitles. It may be labeled as “CC” or “Subtitles”. Tap on this option to toggle the captions on or off. If the captions are currently off, tapping on this option will turn them on. If the captions are already on, tapping on this option will turn them off.

6. Adjust the Caption Settings (Optional)

If you want to customize the caption settings, you can do so by tapping on the gear icon next to the captions option. This will open the caption settings menu, where you can adjust the font size, color, and other display preferences.

7. Enjoy the Video

Once you’ve turned off or on the captions and adjusted the settings if desired, you can enjoy watching the video on Twitter. The captions will now be displayed or hidden according to your preference.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q: Can I turn off or on captions on Twitter videos for all videos?
  • A: Yes, you can turn off or on captions on Twitter videos for all videos by adjusting the settings in your account preferences. Go to your account settings, navigate to the “Accessibility” section, and toggle the captions option.

  • Q: Are captions available for all Twitter videos?
  • A: No, captions may not be available for all Twitter videos. Captions are typically provided by the video uploader, so it depends on whether they have included captions in their video.

  • Q: Can I customize the appearance of captions on Twitter videos?
  • A: Yes, you can customize the appearance of captions on Twitter videos by adjusting the caption settings. You can change the font size, color, and other display preferences to suit your needs.

  • Q: Are captions available in different languages?
  • A: Yes, captions may be available in different languages for Twitter videos. The availability of different languages depends on the video uploader and whether they have provided captions in multiple languages.

  • Q: Can I turn on captions for live videos on Twitter?
  • A: It depends on whether the video uploader has enabled captions for their live video. Captions for live videos are typically provided through live captioning services, so it may not always be available.

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