How To Unmute Someone In Instagram

1 min read

How To Mute / UnMute Someone's Instagram Story YouTube

Instagram is a popular social media platform that allows users to share photos and videos with their followers. However, there may be times when you want to mute someone’s posts or stories on Instagram. If you’ve muted someone and want to unmute them, here’s how you can do it:

Method 1: Unmuting from the Instagram Feed

1. Open the Instagram app on your smartphone.

2. Navigate to your home feed by tapping on the house icon at the bottom left corner of the screen.

3. Scroll through your feed until you find a post from the person you want to unmute.

4. Tap on the three dots (…) at the top right corner of the post.

5. In the menu that appears, tap on “Unmute” to unmute the person.

Method 2: Unmuting from the User’s Profile

1. Open the Instagram app on your smartphone.

2. Go to the profile of the person you want to unmute by either searching for their username or tapping on their name in your followers’ list.

3. Once you’re on their profile, tap on the “Following” button.

4. In the menu that appears, tap on “Unmute” to unmute the person.

Method 3: Unmuting from the Stories

1. Open the Instagram app on your smartphone.

2. Navigate to your home feed by tapping on the house icon at the bottom left corner of the screen.

3. Scroll through the stories until you find a story from the person you want to unmute.

4. Tap and hold on the story to pause it.

5. Tap on the “Unmute” button that appears at the bottom of the screen to unmute the person.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I unmute someone without going to their profile?

A: Yes, you can unmute someone from your Instagram feed or stories without going to their profile. Simply follow the instructions mentioned in Method 1 and Method 3 above.

Q: Will the person be notified when I unmute them?

A: No, the person will not be notified when you unmute them on Instagram. Unmuting someone is a private action that only affects your own feed and stories.

Q: Can I mute someone again after I’ve unmuted them?

A: Yes, you can mute someone again after you’ve unmuted them. Simply follow the same steps mentioned in the methods above, but instead of selecting “Unmute,” select “Mute” to mute the person again.

Q: Are there any limitations to muting and unmuting on Instagram?

A: Currently, Instagram does not impose any limitations on muting and unmuting accounts. You can mute and unmute as many accounts as you want, and there are no restrictions on how often you can do it.

Q: Can I unmute someone on the Instagram website?

A: No, currently, the option to unmute someone is only available on the Instagram mobile app. You will not be able to unmute someone from the Instagram website.

Unmuting someone on Instagram is a simple process that allows you to regain access to their posts and stories in your feed. Whether you muted someone by accident or for a specific reason, now you know how to unmute them and continue enjoying their content on the platform.

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